Keywords * Inner Peace * Union of Heart & Willpower * Communication with Non-Physical Beings * Emotional Cleanse * Peace & Joy * Spiritual Surrender * Devotion *
Prehnite is a powerful stone that links the heart chakra to the solar plexus chakra creating space for one to carry out the divine will of their heart.
It stabilizes the body's energy field and aligns with the vibration of peace to allow one to move forward with the highest intentions for the good of all.
Prehnite reminds one of their personal power and strengthens the ability to stand firm in your truth. It gently cleanses the aura and emotional body of emotional debris to help create a sense of renewal. Prehnite is a stone of magic, enhancing one’s ability to receive. Meditation with prehnite can open channels for divine communication with one’s higher self, angelic beings, spirit guides, and extraterrestrial star ancestors/family. It inspires devotion to a heart-centered path and brings awareness to the quantum connections of all of creation.